My word... I have been very neglectful of this blog! (But since no one knows about it, I don’t suppose it’s that important!)
Things I have been doing rather than updating: Making jewellery. Lots and lots of it. I have enough to stock a craft fair. Which is handy, since that’s my next plan of action for it. Some time in October or November, hopefully... At the Roath Farmers Market, at the Mackintosh Social.
I’ve been doing a stock check. I’ve finally got round to listing everything that I’ve made, and pricing and labelling it. That was something else I’d been putting off. But it’s done now. And each new piece gets added as it’s finished, so now more back logs of shiny things!
And I’ve sorted all my beads into lovely divided boxes. That was more a procrastination technique than anything else, but it is quite useful to be able to find things.
My friend at work has introduced my spec chains to two other practices, so I’m spreading my designs through Cardiff!
I’ve introduced a friend to the wonders of jewellery making, but disappointingly, she’s doing more of it than I am. Still... It’s free labour, I suppose!
I’ve been looking for a new house (I’ve found one now. It’s all going ahead. Worryingly quickly! It’s quite scary.) But at least I’ll have a place of my own to mess up with all the crafting (mess making) I do.
I’ve been selling a fair few things at the opticians, which is good. It’s different to online, as you can see what people like, and don’t like, and why. (Mainly the price!!) I did have a lady stop me as I was locking up the shop recently – desperate to buy a spectacle chain. Now for that, I’ll open up again! She bought one for her mum, then came back in two days later and bought two more, since she liked the first one so much, she kept it for herself!
So everything is coming together, slowly but surely. I hope to be able to update this more regularly, and with more photos now that I’m on-line at home, and with any luck I’ll have some followers to update!
Wheeeee! Exciting :)