Friday, 20 July 2012

If it's all the same to you, I think I'll have that drink...

So, I've made some more wine glass charms...

Can you tell what it is yet?

Oh yeah... Avengers charms! heheh.

We have, from top left working clockwise - Thor, Hawkeye, Black Widow, IRON-man!!! (*sigh*), Hulk, Captain America.

What? I haven't seen the Avengers in... what? two weeks? I'm suffering major withdrawal here!

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Folksy Finds

I have been mooching about on Folksy looking for graduation themed lovelies... And I have found plenty!

Let's start with one of mine, shall we...?

Here I have a variation on the mortar board earrings: It's an owl in a mortar board!


But what else is there?

There are lots of beautiful cards!

Here's one from Helle Belle's Cards
Or how about this one from Phoenix Projects?  (on sale at the moment!!)

Want another one? This is a very elegant one from Ello Design

Of course you might want something ridiculously fun... And possibly meerkat related!

These are fantastic - Graduation Meerkats from Nifty Knits

(And can I get a little squee for the teeny tiny Captain Picard?! Amazing! I wonder if there are any Meerkat Avengers planned...)

Ooooh, what about a super-cute penguin cake topper?
This clever chap can be found here by EmuArt

Or perhaps you're looking for something more grown-upper...
This one is Handcrafted by Mary Jayne...

Well, wasn't that educational? Ahem...

Hopefully I'll remember to make this a regular occurrence!

Also, keep an eye out for a spot of Renner action; Stalk-Eye will be moving from his usual home on Saturday, and he shall be setting up residence on What Katy Baked...